Anyone who has worked in the floor coatings industry knows the immense challenges that we face. We’ve all seen thing go wrong.
Maybe the client called to tell you that the floor had started peeling off…
Or strange holes and craters started appearing after you finished the floor…
Or you discovered after five days that the epoxy resin hadn’t cured at all?
The primary purpose of Learncoatings is to educate contractors and applicators on the proper use of epoxies and other resin floors. Furthermore we offer online epoxy training through educational videos that can be easily viewed and downloaded. For an introduction to our online training click here
I am also involved in a company that manufactures Epoxy and Polyurethane Floor Coatings as well as waterproofing products. The company name is Ktisis and we are based in Athens, Greece. We have a network of distributors and contractors in several countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. If you are interested in learning more about the company you can visit the website here
Feel free to connect with me on Linkedin or reach out to me at